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Next July, Traffic Corps of Indonesian National Police Will Add ETLE Cameras at 13 Regionals Police

By Cpiet Sabtu, 05 Juni 2021 Pengunjung (16) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. The Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the Indonesian National Police will install another Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE) cameras in dozens of Regionals Police. Head of the Traffic Corps of Indonesian National Police, Inspector General Istiono, explained previously the ETLE would be installed on 12 Regionals Police. However, now it will be added to 13 Regionals Police. "In July, the ETLE will be installed at 13 Regional Police. There is an addition from the previous plan," as explained by the Chief of Indonesian National Police, Thursday (06/03/21). The two-star general explained the Traffic Corps of Indonesian National Police continues to evaluate the installation of the first stage of ETLE cameras. Based on the evaluation, it will be a referral for the innovation at the 13 Regionals Police. In addition, the Head of the Traffic Security of the Indonesian National Police said, based on the evaluation result, it was proven that there was a significant decrease in traffic violations after the implementation of ETLE. Driving obedience is also predicted to increase.
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