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Police Confiscate Brandoville Documents for Employment Abuse Investigation

By Pramudita Jumat, 20 September 2024 Pengunjung (272) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Central Jakarta Sub-regional Metro Police seized several documents of Brandoville Animation company following employee abuse allegations involving the CEO of the company. The confiscation of the document was carried out after investigators raid and search the location.

“One of the documents confiscated by the police are an attendance list, cooperation agreements, and others," explained Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Central Jakarta Sub-regional Metro Police, Superintendent M. Firdaus, when confirmed by journalists, on Friday (9/20/2024).

Firdaus explains that the documents are currently analyzed by the investigators before being determined as the proof of the criminal actions.

According to him, investigators already have a clear image on how the employment abuse occurred at the location. The abuse was mainly carried out by the owner of the company with the initials of CL.

“We already have the clear image of the abuse, at the second floor of the building to be precise. And just to make sure, we are now reevaluating whether we have to further investigate the location or not,” concluded Firdaus.


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