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Police Examines Two Abused Animation Company Employee

By Pramudita Kamis, 19 September 2024 Pengunjung (259) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Central Jakarta Sub-regional Metro Police will examine two former employees as a witness in the alleged violence case committed by the boss of an animation company on Wednesday, (9/18/2024).

"Currently, one witness has been questioned. There should have been three, but the other two were postponed for tomorrow," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Central Jakarta Sub-regional Metro Police, Superintendent Muhammad Firdaus (9/17/2024).

Firdaus also said that his party had questioned the victim with the initials CS and one witness who was a former employee of the animation company.

Previously reported, the police stated that they had received two reports from former employees of an animation company in Menteng, Central Jakarta. The reports were related to criminal acts of threats and labor crimes committed by the owner with the initials CL (27).

Firdaus also said that his party had also examined the reporter in this case. The former employee of the animation company was questioned by investigators from the Central Jakarta Sub-regional Metro Police.

"The reporter or victim was questioned yesterday after making an LP (police report)," he concluded.


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