- Jakarta. The Indonesian National Police (INP) Criminal Investigation Agency reveals two parties who were involved in the Bekasi Sea Fence case. In this case, the two companies are said to forge the documents for the permit of installing the sea fence.
The General Criminal Investigation Director of INP, Brigadier General Djuhandani Raharjo Puro says that the two parties are Mega Agung Nusantara Company (MAN) and Cikarang Listrindo Company (CL).
“We also did find the similarities where we suspect that this was carried out by MAN and CL,” says Djuhandani on Tuesday (2/18/2025).
According to him, due to the sea fence installation location that are close with Tunas Ruang Pelabuhan Nusantara (TRPN) Company, which is in Tarumajaya, West Java, police then look into it further,
“The locations are not in the area reported by the National Land Agency (BPN), but close to one another,” explains Djuhandani.
In the case investigation, so far the police have examined 10 witnesses and the case investigation is still going strong.