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Police Has to Adapt Quickly in the Month of Ramadan

By Admin INP Selasa, 11 Maret 2025 Pengunjung (82) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Bangka Belitung. The Vice Chief of Bangka Belitung Regional Police Brigadier General Tony Harsono, in his morning rally speech delivered several messages to his personnel about adapting.

He said that Ramadan has been going on for about a week, noting that the police operations have begun, which is securing community activities.

Brigadier General Tony Harsono also explained that as a member of the Police, one must be able to adjust, where if the community carries out activities, the police are tasked with securing them.

"As a member of the police force, one must be able to adjust, where if the community carries out activities, we are tasked with securing them." explained Tony.

He also added that currently street crimes have started to rise due to several factors such as family factors, and increasing economic needs approaching Eid. For that, the police are tasked with preventing this by carrying out preventive activities such as patrols and visiting people's homes.


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