- Jakarta. A video showing a 10-year-old girl in South Nias Regency, North Sumatra, allegedly being abused to the point of having her legs crippled, has gone viral on social media. So far, the police have questioned six witnesses who are members of the victim's family.
"Six witnesses have been questioned. They are all still part of the same family and live with the victim," said South Nias Sub-regional Police Chief, Superintendent Ferry Mulyana on Wednesday (1/29/2025).
According to Ferry, the witnesses who were questioned included the victim's uncle and aunt. Currently, their status is still as witnesses in the process of investigating the case.
The police chief explained that the victim lived with his grandfather in Hilikara Village, Lolowau District, while both of his parents had migrated—his father to Aceh and his mother to Medan.
"Since childhood, the victim has been raised by her grandfather and aunt. Her father went to Aceh, her mother to Medan, but their positions are not known for sure. What is sad is that the victim also does not have a birth certificate and her name is not listed on her grandfather's Family Card," explained the police chief.
The police chief revealed that around two to three years ago, the police had received information from residents regarding alleged violence against the victim. At that time, the police came to the location to check on the victim's condition.
"The victim's leg was already sore when we met her. However, at that time we had not found enough evidence to conclude that there had been violence," explained the police chief.
He also added that the village head had previously proposed that the victim be raised by the government, but the family did not allow it.
Regarding the information that said the victim lived in a dog and chicken cage owned by her uncle, Ferry stated that his party was still investigating the truth of the news.
"We are still looking for evidence. If there are some of you who have valid information, please report it to the police. We will also check directly with the victim's neighbors to find out if anyone has seen or heard of inappropriate treatment of this child," said the Police Chief.
Currently, the victim is at the Lolowau Health Center UPTD to receive treatment. The police are also coordinating with the South NIas Regent so that the victim can be referred to a hospital with more adequate facilities.