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Police Member Dedicates His Life to Save the Life of A Young Girl

By Admin INP Sabtu, 04 Januari 2025 Pengunjung (151) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Member of Pagerageung Sector Police, Brigadier Andithya Munartono sacrificed himself in saving a tourist who was about to drown at West Pangandaran Beach on Friday (1/3/2025) at 15.30.

The incident occurred at front of Hotel Century, Post 4 of the Coast Guard, Pananjung Village, Pangandaran District, Pangandaran Regency.

In the incident, Andithya and his colleague, Brigadier Wahyu, were swimming with their family around Post 4 West Pangandaran Beach. There, they saw a girl named Sevina Azahra (14) who was almost drowning. 

Without hesitation, the two immediately went for the rescue. However, strong ocean currents and large waves made Andithya, Sevina, and an eyewitness named Supri (48) to be dragged up to 40 meters from the shore.

Wahyu managed to save himself with a boogie board. However, Andithya and Sevina were only barely saved by a fishermen boat.

Unfortunately, despite being rushed to Pandega Regional Hospital, Bripka Andithya was declared dead on the way. Based on medical information, he died due to drowning.

Pangandaran Sub-regional Police Chief, Superintentend Mujianto, expressed his deep condolences for the death of Andithya.

“Although he is not directly a member of Pangandaran Sub-regional Police, his dedication in saving a life shows a concrete action of police service to the people,” says Mujianto on Friday (1/3/2025).

He added that Andithya's courage and sacrifice were an example for all members of the Indonesian National Police (INP).



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