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Police of the Republic of Indonesia Call Habib Rizieq's Billboards Ordered for Violating Regional Regulations

By Cpiet Kamis, 26 November 2020 Pengunjung (165) 2 Mins Read
Jakarta - Head of the Public Relations Division of the Indonesian National Police, Inspector General of Police Argo Yuwono, emphasized that the control of billboards with the picture of Habib Rizieq Shihab carried out by joint personnel of the Indonesian National Army - the Indonesian National Police and the Civil Service Police Unit in addition to violating local rules or regulations regarding public order also contains elements of provocation. so that it needs to be put in order. "It has violated the Regional Regulation because it is not in accordance with its designation," said Argo in his statement, Thursday (26/11). The Indonesian National Police, continued Argo, supported the steps taken by the Jayakarta Military Regional Command in curbing welcome billboards and Habib Rizieq Shihab's moral revolution which contained elements of provocation. "The Police of the Republic of Indonesia, as the guardians of security and public order, are only obliged to help because this is the domain of the local government," said Argo. Previously, the Head of Information at the Jayakarta Military Regional Command, Lieutenant Colonel Arh Herwin Budi Saputra, said that the Jayakarta Jaya Military Regional Command noted that there were around 900 banners with Rizieq's image that were sent down by Indonesian National Army soldiers and joint forces during the last two months. "What is wrong with Indonesia until there is a moral revolution. It contains provocation," he said, Monday (23/11).
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