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Police Provide Psychological First Aid (PFA) to Handle Trauma to Earthquake Victims in Papua

By Cpiet Sabtu, 11 Februari 2023 Pengunjung (15) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id – Papua. The Human Resources Bureau of the Papua Regional Police provided counseling and psychological assistance to the earthquake victims at the Jayapura Mayor's office, Friday (10/2/23).

This is done to help reduce the anxiety that arises in the community as a result of being affected by the earthquake. In addition, it also provides motivation for refugees to return to live life after this earthquake.

INP provided psychological assistance by visiting the evacuation tents located in the courtyard of the Jayapura Mayor's Office in Jayapura City, as well as carrying out individual counseling methods for adults and playing methods for children who took refuge in the tents.

This activity has a positive impact on the people who are in refugee camps. With the presence of the Psychology Team at the Papua Police HR Bureau, the anxiety that is present in the refugees can subside. The children at the location were happy to be able to play with the police officers who were present at the evacuation site.


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