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Police Traffic Corps in Yogya will be Equipped with Body and Dash Cams

By Admin INP Selasa, 18 Februari 2025 Pengunjung (119) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Yogyakarta. The Yogyakarta Regional Police Traffic Director, Senior Superintendent Yuswanto Ardi says that the Indonesian National Police (INP) Traffic Corps will provide dash cams and body cams for his unit.

“There will be additional equipment for dash cams for our vehicles and body cams for our unit,” says Yuswanto.

The procurement, he said, will enable his unit not to conduct any manual ticketing anymore.

“We can step away from manual ticketing as we can gather the evidence digitally,” says Yuswanto Adi.

The body cameras will be equipped with an automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) feature that can automatically recognize vehicle plates and is connected to the electronic traffic law enforcement (ETLE) system. ⁠

However, Yuswanto added that he still did not know the number of body cameras and dash provided for his unit. The devices will be prioritized for members on duty in the field to ensure that traffic supervision is more effective and transparent. ⁠


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