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Kapolda Kalteng Monitored the Traffic of Homecoming to Ensure Its Safety and Security

By Cpiet Sabtu, 30 April 2022 Pengunjung (7) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id – The Central Kalimantan Police Chief (Kapolda Kalteng) Inspector General Drs. Nanang Avianto, M.Sc., along with the Head Operations Bureau (Karo Ops) of the Central Kalimantan Police (Polda Kalteng), arrived at the Bahaur Seaport to inspect the departure of the 2022 Eid homecoming flow from the Bahaur Port to the Paciran Port, Lamongan, East Java, Saturday 30/ 4/2022. The arrival of the Central Kalimantan Police Chief's delegation was greeted directly by the Head of the Pulang Pisau Police, (Kapolres Pulpis) AKBP, Kurniawan Hartono S.I.K., along with the high officials of the region and the Port Authority. The Head of Public Relations (Kabid Humas) of the Pulang Pisau Police (Polres Pulpis), AKBP. Kurniawan Hartono, S.I.K., told the media crew that the arrival of Kapolda Kalteng to Bahaur Harbor was to ensure the condition of the ferry ship of KMP Paciran is in good condition and ready to sail. "This review is to ensure that the Ferry Drajat Paciran is in good condition, and for transporting cargo does not exceed its capacity to avoid sea accidents," said AKBP, Kurniawan Hartono, S.I.K. Besides that, Polres Pulpis also provide a sense of security and comfort to the ship's passengers, the majority of whom are going to Java. On the same occasion, Inspector General Pol. Drs. Nanang Avianto, M.Sc., appreciated the agility of all personnel of personnel at the Integrated Post of Bahaur Harbor who are ready to help travelers in the Bahaur Harbor area. Due to that, Kapolda Kalteng gave gifts to the personnel of the Bahaur Harbor Integrated Post.
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