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Regional Supervision Inspectorate of Jambi Regional Police Insist That No Parties Commit Irregularities

By Pramudita Kamis, 19 Desember 2024 Pengunjung (240) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jambi. The Regional Supervision Inspectorate of Jambi Regional Police, Senior Superintendent Jannus Parlindungan opens the Jambi Regional Police HR and State Civil Servant (PNS) Development Coordination Meeting at the Ballroom of Siginjai Building.

In his remarks, Jannus noted that there are still many things in terms of Development in the field of human resources. He urged all parties to optimize the meeting fully as an evaluation opportunity to improve the performance of personnel.

Furthermore, Jambi Regional Police will do continuous training to Jambi Regional Police to reduce all forms of misconduct by police personnel while on duties through routine spiritual guidance and counseling activities.

"For the welfare of members, hold an MoU or cooperation with parties that can support the development of the Jambi Regional Police HR. Reward or punish Jambi Regional Police personnel periodically and carry out activity innovations to support the President of the Republic of Indonesia's Asta Cita programs," he explained.

The activity also included awards for personnel of the Jambi Regional Police HR who were highly dedicated in carrying out their duties and awards for partners of the Jambi Regional Police HR Bureau, namely Sarolangun Regency Government, West Tanjab Regency Government and Padang BPVP).


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