- Jakarta. Reog Ponorogo has been officially included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) List, in the category “In Need of Urgent Safeguarding”.
Indonesian Ambassador/Permanent Delegate to UNESCO, Mohamad Oemar, who served as the Head of the Indonesian Delegation at the 19th Session of the UNESCO ICH Committee, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the UNESCO ICH Committee and all parties who have contributed to the process of recognizing Reog Ponorogo as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage.
"This recognition not only highlights the importance of the art of Reog, but also confirms the commitment to preserving Indonesia's cultural identity for future generations," said Ambassador Oemar.
Minister of Culture Fadli Zon emphasized that the inscription of Reog Ponorogo as Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding by UNESCO is an important moment for Indonesia in preserving traditional arts and culture that are deeply rooted in local values and the spirit of mutual cooperation.
"The Indonesian government together with local communities have made various efforts to preserve Reog Ponorogo, starting from documenting, promoting, to integrating it into formal, informal, and non-formal education. We also continue to empower the arts community as the main guardians of this cultural heritage," said the Minister of Culture.
On the same occasion, Fadli Zon also emphasized the importance of the role of the younger generation in preserving traditional arts and culture.
"Reog Ponorogo is not only a performing art, but also our identity and pride as a nation. We invite the younger generation to continue to know, love, and preserve this art so that the noble values contained in it remain alive," invite Fadli Zon.
Reog Ponorogo, a performing art originating from Ponorogo Regency, East Java, reflects the harmony between dance, music, and mythology.
The art depicts the courage, solidarity, and dedication that have been the identity of the Ponorogo people for centuries.
Reog is also a symbol of mutual cooperation, which is reflected in its creative process, from making masks to collaboration between artists, craftsmen, and local communities.
The iconic Reog Ponorogo performance, with the bawarong carrying Dadak Merak, a tiger-head mask decorated with peacock feathers, is a symbol of the courage and beauty of Indonesian art.
So far, Reog has often been performed in various traditional events, big celebrations, and traditional rituals that are full of cultural and social values.
With this determination, Reog Ponorogo officially became the 14th Intangible Cultural Heritage from Indonesia to be inscribed on the UNESCO ICH list.