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Riau Regional Police Chief Revisit Flood Evacuation Post in Rokan Hulu

By Cpiet Kamis, 11 Januari 2024 Pengunjung (8) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Riau. The Riau Regional Police Chief, Inspector General Mohammad Iqbal revisit people who evacuates from flood in Sontang Village, Bonai Darussalam Regency, Rokan Hulu Regency on Wednesday (1/10/2024). The police chief and his entourage visit the evacuation post in Tuanku Tambusai street to see the condition of the victims affected by the flood. His visit was to talk with the people and children while also giving them supplies. “Along with Regional Military Commander and the Regent, we visit the people affected by the flood, which there are around 50 families here,” says the police chief on Wednesday (1/10/2024). Iqbal also conveyed to the people that there will always a lesson from everything we experienced. And to his members, Iqbal asked them to be more aware and paid more attention to the people. “I have instructed the Sub-regional police chiefs to always be present amidst the community. Then, acknowledging that we are in the middle of the political year, I also invite the people to jointly maintain the situation for the security of the election,” says Iqbal. (ad/bg/pr/nm)
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