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Salute! Police Headquarters Seals 2 Ports and 5 Boats Following Illegal Migrant Worker Incident

By Cpiet Jumat, 31 Desember 2021 Pengunjung (6) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Batam. Police Headquarters sealed two ports in Bintan Regency, Riau Islands Province. The unlicensed port on Bintan Island has attracted attention after a boat carrying 64 Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) from Tanjunguban experienced an incident in the waters of Tanjung Balau, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, Wednesday (12/15/2021). The sealing of the two unlicensed ports was directly led by the Head of the Humanitarian Task Force, Brigadier General. Pol. Krishna Murti, Saturday (12/25/2021). Investigators previously arrested two suspected perpetrators of sending Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) not according to procedures at Bengkong Sadai, Batam, Friday (12/24/2021). The Head of sub-field for General Information and Public Relations of the Riau Islands Regional Police, Pol. Commissioner Robby confirmed the disclosure of two suspects by investigators from the Directorate of Criminal Investigation Agency of the Riau Islands Regional Police. Not only sealing two unlicensed ports in Bintan Harbor, but the police reportedly also sealed several boats that had been specially modified to operate. There are five boats suspected of being used by smugglers to operate. The ship is equipped with four engines of 300 Horsepower each. The results of this operation were uploaded by Brigadier General Khrisna Murti, who now serves as National Police's Head of Bureau of International Missions Division of International Relations through his personal Instagram social media page. The descent of the Humanitarian Task Force led by Brigadier General Pol Khrisna is an instruction from the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo on orders to thoroughly investigate the case of the PMIs thoroughly. They died in the waters of Tanjung Balau, Johor, Malaysia. Previously, the incident that killed 64 Indonesian migrant workers who were dispatched illegally had caused a stir. Several Indonesian migrant workers who plan to try their luck in Malaysia's neighbouring countries have had a sad fate. They died in horrific conditions. Only 21 bodies of victims were found. Meanwhile, 43 more bodies are still being searched in Malaysian waters. Of the 21 successfully evacuated, 11 bodies arrived in the country via Batam, Riau Islands. Some of the bodies have even been sent to their hometowns. Meanwhile, ten bodies are still in Malaysia.
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