- Central Java. The Central Java Regional Police intensify their security on several tourist objects in Tegal, including Guci and Alam Indah Beach, during the peak of Christmas and New Year holiday.
In the security operation, personnel are deployed at several prone locations to ensure the security and comfort of the public. The Regional Supervision Inspector of Central Java Regional Police, Senior Superintendent Rudy Mulyantoko directly inspects the tourist destinations of Guci and PAI.
The inspection conducted by Rudy and his entourage includes traffic review, parking lot review, to direct monitoring at the location.
“Across the road towards the locations, we have prepared our personnel from Tegal Sub-regional Police to secure and manage the traffic. We are doing this to make sure the public can enjoy their holiday,” says Rudy on Sunday (12/29/2024).
A number of security posts were also set up at points considered to be prone, such as the main route intersection to Guci, tourist parking areas, and crowded areas within tourist attractions.
At Alam Indah Beach, which is one of the top tourist destinations in the region, Rudy also ensured that personnel were on standby at the location to regulate traffic, maintain order, and provide a sense of security to visitors.
Meanwhile, Tegal Sub-regional Police Chief, Superintendent Andi Muhammad Indra Waspada Amirullah, appealed to the public to continue to obey traffic rules and maintain the neatness of the tourist area.
"Let's maintain security and comfort at the Guci Tourist Attraction together so that all can enjoy their holiday comfortably and pleasantly," he concluded.