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Securing Two International Agendas in Bali, TNI-INP Rallies Personnel

By Pramudita Minggu, 01 September 2024 Pengunjung (280) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - The Indonesian National Military (TNI) and Indonesian National Police (INP) rallies their troops for the 2nd Indonesia-Africa Forum (IAF) Summit and High Level Forum on Multi Stakeholders Partnership (HLF MSP) security that will be held on September 1st - 3rd in Bali.

The rally was led by Air Marshal M. Khairil Lubis and Head of INP Security Maintenance Agency, Commissioner General Fadil Imran at Renon Field, Denpasar, Bali, on Friday (8/30/2024).

Fadil, who also acts as the Head Ops of Puri Agung II says that the rally is not only to unify TNI-INP, but also to demonstrate the commitment in showing that Indonesia is a safe country and committed towards dynamic and bilateral international relationship.

“This rally is not to demonstrate our strength but as a reflection of strong cooperation between the military and police, also stakeholders regarding our preparation in securing the international agendas that will be attended by around 1,800 participants,” said Fadil.

He explains that the preparation does not solely focus on personnel physical condition, but also in operation strategy.

“I hope through this security activity, we did not only successfully maintain the security of the agenda, but also send a good message to the public and strengthen Indonesian position in the world stage,” prays Fadil.

He also says his thanks to the people of Bali for their support in securing the international event.

“We also apologized if there were any disruption and discomfort to the people during our security operation,” Fadil says in his apology.

The former Metro Jaya Regional Police Chief said that the security strategy that was prioritized for the operation was collaboration and harmonious integration between preventive and preemptive approaches.


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