- Banjarmasin. Ahead of the simultaneous planting in support of the Asta Cita Program, the Head of South Kalimantan Regional Police Chief, Inspector General Yudha Hermawan and the team of Banjarmasin Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) Agriculture Faculty Dean reviewed the food security location in KM 17.
The review is part of the collaboration between the police and related stakeholders in pushing food security in South Kalimantan. The South Kalimantan Regional Police says that the activity demonstrates their support for realizing the national goal of food self-sufficiency.
“This activity is in line with the direction from the President in improving national food security. The collaboration between the academics, such as the ULM Agriculture Faculty, is very important in optimizing the innovation and scientific approach in agriculture management,” says Rosyanto Yudha Hermawan.
The activity of simultaneous sowing is set to be held in the near future. The full support from various parties is expected to make South Kalimantan one of the food sources in Indonesia.