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Tag 'BRIN'


State Losses Reaches Trillions Following Plastic Waste Leaking to Sea

The Main Expert Researcher of the Oceanography Research Center of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Muhammad Reza Cordova, said that the potential state loss due to plastic waste leaking into the sea could reach IDR 225 trillion per year.


Megathrust Has Happened Thrice Around 300 to 600 Years Ago: BRIN Says

Young expert researcher at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Nuraini Rahma Hanifa, explains what megathrust is. Megathrust is a natural phenomenon that can trigger earthquakes with large magnitudes similar to the earthquake in Aceh in late 2004.


Mpox Virus Varian Clade Ib is More Dangerous Than Its Predecessor: BRIN Says

The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) says the Mpox virus varian Clade Ib is indicated to have faster infection and worse effect, especially to children.

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