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State Losses Reaches Trillions Following Plastic Waste Leaking to Sea

By Pramudita Rabu, 18 September 2024 Pengunjung (192) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Main Expert Researcher of the Oceanography Research Center of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Muhammad Reza Cordova, said that the potential state loss due to plastic waste leaking into the sea could reach IDR 225 trillion per year.


According to Reza Cordova, one of the sectors hit by plastic waste is the fisheries sector, such as, capture fisheries and aquaculture.


"This waste has destroyed the key ecosystem areas where the fish live," he said on Saturday (9/14/2024).


In his statement, he explained that due to this plastic waste, the nutritional food for fish in the sea is disrupted. In addition, there will be fewer fish if their migration is disturbed. "As a result, fisheries production will be going down and this is because of plastic waste," he said.


According to him, this plastic waste also has an impact on health, especially if this plastic waste is fragmented into micro-plastics.


Not only that, he said that this plastic waste also has an impact on the marine transportation sector, especially for fishermen who fish in the middle of the sea.


On the other hand, Reza assures that the government is not sitting idly by in handling this problem as they have done a number of things, such as issuing various regulations.


"The most important are two regulations. Presidential Regulation Number 97 of 2017 concerning management on land. Then Presidential Regulation Number 83 of 2018 concerning management of waste that leaks into the sea," he concluded.



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