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To Strengthen The Law, Polda Bengkulu Collaborates With Indonesian Notary Association

By Cpiet Kamis, 10 Maret 2022 Pengunjung (20) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Bengkulu. To strengthen the law, the Bengkulu Police (Polda Bengkulu) established a partnership with the Indonesian Notary Association at a hotel in Bengkulu City, on Wednesday (09/03/22). The signing of the memorandum of understanding between the Indonesian National Police (Polri) and the Indonesian Notary Association in the Bengkulu region was seen directly by the representative of the Polri’s Operations Assistant and the general chairperson of the Indonesian Notary Association. Bengkulu Police Chief (Kapolda Bengkulu) Inspector General Agung Wicaksono, M.Sc., in his remarks said, this cooperation is the follow-up of cooperation between the Indonesian Notary Association and Polri some time ago, and this cooperation is aimed to strengthen the law enforcement. While, General Chairperson of the Indonesian Notary Association, Yualita Widyadhari, said the collaboration was aimed at improving the performances and communications between notaries and investigators in law enforcement, such as exchanging information or information between investigators and notaries. The Indonesian Notary Association provides support to Polri in enforcing the law, and for this reason, the presence of a Notary is expected to assist the Police, one of which is as a witness. For now, according to data from the Indonesian Notary Association, only five provinces have just followed up on the collaboration between them, which are South Sumatra, Banten, Gorontalo, Lampung, and Bengkulu.
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