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Trauma Healing, Social Service, and Health Service from Noken Community Development Unit to the Victims of Inter-tribal Conflict in Yahukimo, Papua

By Cpiet Selasa, 12 Oktober 2021 Pengunjung (12) 4 Mins Read
Papua - Noken Community Development Unit Task Force of Nemangkawi, in cooperation with the Health Team of Nemangkawi Task Force, conducted a social service event in Yahukimo. The activities consisted of trauma healing sessions for the Yali tribe who takes refuge in the Gidi Evanhastia Church, Dekai. The trauma healing session was conducted on Sunday, October 10, 2021. The Community Development Unit was represented by Police Grand Commissioner Bagijo H Kurnijanto (Chief of Community Development Task Force), Police Grand Commissioner Attendant Yamin Dian Priono (Deputy Chief of Community Development Task Force), Police Commissioner Attendant Amandus J S Nuboba (Operations Administration Officer), Police Inspector 1st Class Joni Linggi (Regional Coordinator), and Police Brigadier Victor Merani. The Health Team personnel of Nemangkawi Assistant Task Force are Police Inspector 2nd Class dr Elisabeth Grety Rimporok and Police Brigadier 2nd Class Zulkifli Fahymu. Other Police personnel who attended the event are Chief of Yahukimo Departmental Police, Police Grand Commissioner Attendant Deni Hardiana, Deputy Chief of Yahukimo Departmental Police, Police Commissioner Alfons Umbora, dr Leonard, and 30 personnel. Besides from Indonesian National Police, there was also the Papuan People's Assembly, represented by Mrs Dorince Mehue, Mrs Hermelina Thaime, and one volunteer, dr Endang Maharani Rahayu. The activity was started at 14.30 at the refugee concentration centre at the Gidi Evanhastia Church. Deputy Chief of Yahukimo Departmental Police, Police Commissioner Alfons Umbora, introduced the team who came to see people taking refuge in the church and their purpose, which to distribute basic necessities, health services, and encourage children to play to alleviate sorrows or any psychological effects caused by the riots. Police Grand Commissioner Bagijo H Kurnijanto, as the Chief of Community Development Task Force, also hoped that the inter-tribe conflict problem could be solved so people could conduct their daily activities. Meanwhile, Mrs Dorince Mehue as the representative of Papuan People's Assembly, said, "Let's give everything to God and pray together. May Yahukimo regency could be safe and in peace again". Mrs Dorince thanked the community, who have received the team very well in that place. "We are in sorrow now, but we cannot let ourselves drowned in the sadness. We must do the positive activities", she concluded. Mr Yohannes Pahabol, as the Head of BKD Pegawaian, who is also the elders of the community, thanked the Community Development Task Force who came to see people in the refugee camp and distributed basic necessities. Mr Yohannes also told the people's conditions. "Generally, we are still shocked because we were praying, and some people came and broke the window glass then shot arrows through the hole, so the congregation screamed and begged God. But I thanked the Chief of Indonesian National Police through the Chief of Papua Regional Police and Community Development Task Force for helping us in this refugee camp". At 14.55, the activity continued to the distribution of basic necessities consisted of rice, sugar, instant noodles, coffee, tea, salt, and cooking oil. The Community Development Task Force of Nemangkawi Assistance Task Force with the Yahukimo Health Agency and the scouts helped serving people in the refugee camp. The activity was also complimented by health service to all people who fell ill such as malaria and trouble breathing. Three thousand people are taking refuge in the Gidi Evanhastia Church of Dekai from the Yali and Hubla tribes. The trauma healing session consists of some activities such as teaching kids to concentrate on playing, singing kids songs, Sunday school songs, and regional songs, teaching national insight and introducing Yahukimo region that is inside Indonesia, asking about kid's ambitions, playing planes, learning on counting by singing and colouring pictures. The children are happy and enthusiastic. There are 200 kids who attended the trauma healing session. All activities are ended by 17.00.
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