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The West Sumatra Regional Police applies the COVID-19 vaccination strategy to the sub-districts

By Cpiet Selasa, 12 Oktober 2021 Pengunjung (12) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - West Sumatra. The West Sumatra Regional Police implemented the COVID-19 vaccination strategy to the sub-district level to optimize the results. However, the obstacle in vaccination so far is the geographical aspect and population distribution in West Sumatra, not only in urban areas but also in remote villages. "The implementation of the vaccinations that we evaluate is more centralized in the centre of the capital, both in the districts and provinces, so that in order to achieve more optimal results, the regional police set a vaccination strategy to the sub-districts, regional " explained the police chief. With the vaccination strategy at the sub-district level, he said, it can reach the surrounding villages so that this vaccination event runs massively. "With the strategy that we have set, no longer will the people of West Sumatra escape from vaccination," he explained. The West Sumatra Regional Police Chief said that the COVID-19 vaccination target was following the number of West Sumatra residents required to be vaccinated as many as 4,408,509 people. If this has been achieved, West Sumatra can achieve herd immunity or the first group immunity in Indonesia. The Regent of South Solok Khairunan said that to make the vaccination a success, all sub-districts and mayors of Nagari were required to educate the public so that they would be vaccinated. Of the 143,959 vaccination targets in the district, 41,871 people for the first dose or 29.1 percent have realized it and 16,925 for the second dose or 11.8 percent. "We continue to encourage vaccination in all lines in South Solok district so that the national target can be achieved," he concluded.
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