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US CDC Confirms Bird Flu Case Without Animal Contact in Missouri

By Pramudita Senin, 09 September 2024 Pengunjung (254) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed that a Missouri resident was infected with bird flu on Friday (9/6/2024). The adult had no history of contact with poultry or dairy cattle.

It was reported that he was hospitalized on August 22nd and has recovered. This case raises concerns about the potential for the spread of the H5 virus (the virus that causes bird flu) between humans.

This case is the first infection in the US in an individual who is not involved in work with poultry or dairy cattle. The CDC emphasizes that the risk to the general public is still low.

Based on CDC data, to date 196 dairy herds in 14 states have experienced an outbreak of H5 bird flu. The case in Missouri is the 15th human H5 infection in the US since 2022.

"The main challenge now is to find out how this patient was infected. A very thorough investigation is needed," said Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert from Vanderbilt University Medical Center on Monday (9/9/2024).

On the other hand, Missouri health officials said there were no signs of unusually high flu activity in humans. There was also no increase in emergency room visits or human influenza cases at the state lab.

The Missouri Public Health Laboratory received a sample from the patient and sent it to the CDC for further testing. The adult patient had underlying medical conditions and tested positive for type A flu, Missouri officials said.


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