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VP Ma’ruf Amin Asked BPJS Employment to Reach Workers in Village and Remote Areas

By Pramudita Sabtu, 14 September 2024 Pengunjung (236) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - The Indonesian Vice President Ma’ruf Amin asked the Social Security Administration Agency (BPJS) for Employment services to cover workers in rural and remote areas.

“Make sure that the service is fair and inclusive so that it would only be available in big cities, but also in remote areas,” asked the Vice President on Thursday (9/12/2024).

With the total work population in 2024 reaching 142 million, VP Ma’ruf Amin says that the government is trying to improve the universal coverage of Social Security for Employment (Jamsostek).

According to him, the effort can be realized through service digitalization and accessibility improvement so that workers can get their rights as the BPJS Employment participants, both in the formal and informal sectors.

In addition, the protection program of Jamsostek also needs to be given to vulnerable workers such as farmers, fishermen, caretakers, street vendors, religious officers, and other vulnerable groups to deal with financial emergencies.

“Therefore, the active role of the regional government to its lowest ranks are important to ensure every worker can be active BPJS Employment participants, especially through optimizing the Jamsostek program and the program to accelerate the eradication of extreme poverty," explained the Vice President.

Furthermore, he also urged that service innovation that has been developed by BPJS Employment can be improved. He hopes that innovation such as service digitalization and information technology development can facilitate registration and utilization of social security benefits throughout Indonesia.


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