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VP Ma'ruf Amin Asked Government to Focus Developing Green Industry for Sustainable Economic Growth

By Pramudita Rabu, 09 Oktober 2024 Pengunjung (195) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Indonesian Vice President Ma'ruf Amin asked Indonesia to continue to focus on developing green industry and digital innovation in supporting inclusive and sustainable economic growth.

The Vice President stated that the development of green industry and sustainable digital innovation is one of the main focuses in accelerating the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs).

"We must ensure that green industry and digital innovation meet today's needs while answering the challenges and aspirations of future generations," said the Vice President on Monday (10/7/2024).

The other strategic role of the green industry was the improvement of the SDGs to achieve its target.

"With the achievement of 62.5 percent of the SDGs target, it means that there is still 37.5 percent left that must be achieved. I hope all parties will continue to increase their commitment and work hard to achieve all SDGs targets by 2030," explained the Vice President.

Furthermore, he also reminded that achieving the SDGs must be included as priority in the 2025-2029 development planning, in accordance with the mandate of the 2025-2045 National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN).

The Vice President assessed that the success in achieving the 2030 SDGs target will be a strong foundation for realizing the vision of 2045 Golden Indonesia and net zero emissions (NZE) in 2060 or sooner.

"I need to remind you that SDGs are not just about achieving targets, but about creating a more just and sustainable future. Therefore, let us move forward with a new spirit, with fresh innovation and determination to provide the best and more meaningful changes for the Indonesia and the world," said the Vice President.


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