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West Java Police Arranged New SOP of Football Match With Various Related Stakeholders

By Cpiet Selasa, 11 Oktober 2022 Pengunjung (8) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id –  The West Java Regional Police have made a bill of 106 articles for Standard Operating Procedures in organizing football matches based on the results of discussions with all football elements in the local area. "Those are the rules that we made based on the agreement of all parties to become a common reference, joint SOP, in organizing matches in the West Java region," said West Java Police Chief Inspector General Suntana after a focus group discussion (FGD) with football elements in Bandung, Monday (10/10/22). Inspector General Suntana explained that each item of the SOP article was the result of a mutual agreement with the local organizing committee, club management in West Java, to the fans. So, the involvement of all elements of football is very necessary in order to create a comfortable, safe, and secure match. "The FGD activities along with the preparation of the SOP are a follow-up to the evaluation of the football matches in Indonesia. This is done to avoid excessive fanaticism, while uphold the spirit of sportsmanship in every match,” explained the Two-Star General. Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the West Java Police, Commissioner Ibrahim Tompo added that the hundreds of SOP articles that have been compiled still need to be refined and continue to be evaluated. Later the draft articles will also be sent to the National Police Headquarters. Moreover, the articles are still straightforward so the number of articles for those SOP are still not fixed. “Such as the legal, procedural, situational aspects, and public acceptance must be tested first, when it the result shows a good prospect, we will socialize it," explained Kabidhumas. Dignified Commissioner of PT Persib Bandung, Umuh Muchtar appreciated the West Java Regional Police's step in the discussion and became one of the proofs of their seriousness in securing football matches so that the tragedy at Kanjuruhan Stadium would not happened again. "I believe Bobotoh (Persib supporter) is very good and listens to what the West Java Police have to say," said Umuh Muchtar.
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