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West Java Regional Police Patrols Ciwidey and Pangalengan Tourist Attraction

By Admin INP Senin, 03 Februari 2025 Pengunjung (127) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - West Java. West Java Regional Police conducts patrols at the tourist destinations of Ciwidey and Pangalengan on Sunday, February 2nd, 2025. The patrol aims to provide security and comfort for the visitors.

Led by the Head Ops of Bandung Sub-regional Police, Police Assistant Superintendent Sungkowo, he said that the patrol aims to prevent various criminal actions that often occurred in crowded places.

In the patrol, police continue to appeal to the tourists to beware and park their vehicles at safe places. Other than motor theft, patrols also focus on preventing criminal acts of aggravated theft as theft with violence is also a concern, with an emphasis on prevention efforts and preparedness to handle if the incident occurs. 

Dialogic patrols to tourist attraction managers are also conducted to obtain information on potential security threats and coordinate in prevention efforts.

The results of the patrol show that the security situation in the Ciwidey and Pangalengan areas remains safe and conducive. The absence of C3 incidents and other crimes shows the effectiveness of this patrol.

Sungkowo emphasized that this preventive effort will continue to be carried out continuously to maintain the security and comfort of tourists in the Ciwidey and Pangalengan areas. 

Bandung Sub-regional Police also invites community cooperation to jointly create a safe and conducive environment.


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