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Ahead of the 2024 Election, Head of Criminal Investigation Board Asks Staff to Anticipate Narcopolitical Phenomena

By Cpiet Sabtu, 27 Mei 2023 Pengunjung (4) 2 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Head of the Criminal Investigation Board of the Indonesian National Police, Police Commissioner General Agus Andrianto ordered the Directorate of Drug Crime and his staff to be aware of and anticipate narcopolitical phenomena, namely politicians involved in drugs or political funds from drug networks.

"I ask that all levels of the National Police's narcotics investigation have started mapping and anticipating problems related to drugs that could hinder the 2024 Election," said Police Commissioner General Agus in a statement in Jakarta, Friday (26/5/2023).

Police Commissioner General Agus Adrianto sees politicians involved in narcotics as a problem that must be anticipated before the 2024 elections.

He said that the involvement of politicians in drug abuse violated ethics and norms.

"Responding to this, the Directorate of Drug Crime Bareskrim Polri and its staff are expected to be able to prepare a strategy and utilize the technology they have to prevent the phenomenon of narco politics," he said.

Police Commissioner General Agus Adrianto also ordered his staff to conduct law enforcement professionally, just, and integrated.

"Anticipate the use of sources of funds from drug trafficking for election activities," explained Police Commissioner General Agus Adrianto. In addition, he also asked his staff to improve good relations and cooperation between relevant stakeholders in the administration of elections through communication, coordination, and collaboration in creating conducive elections.

"Continuing to eradicate drugs thoroughly to the roots, it needs to be realized that this action has increased the level of public trust in the Police and has become a charitable field for Polri personnel and institutions," he said.


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