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Bali Regional Police to Launch Investigation on Babies Selling Syndicate

By Pramudita Senin, 23 September 2024 Pengunjung (13) 3 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Bali Regional Police will launch their investigation to babies illegal selling which allegedly involves the Head of Anak Bali Luih Tabanan Orphanage, Made Aryadana.

Head of Bali Regional Police Public Relations Division, Senior Superintendent Jansen Avitus Panjaitan says that according to the initial investigation of the police, it was revealed that the orphanage has sheltered pregnant women to entice them to leave their children to the orphanage.

Prior to Bali Regional Police involvement, Depok Sub-regional Metro Police has uncovered babies selling syndicate on September 2nd, 2024. Following their investigation, it was revealed that the syndicate involves Made Aryadana as the Head of Anak Bali Luih Tabanan Orphanage in Bali.

Thus, now, Bali Regional Police Special Criminal Investigation Directorate is coordinating with Depok Sub-regional Metro Police Women and Children Service Unit to develop the case.

“We have also visited the orphanage in Banjar Anyar Village, Tabanan,” notes Jansen.

He said there were seven pregnant women found there, namely MW (from Central Java), WF (from East Java), AS (from East Java), RY (from West Java), TT (from West Java), MS (from West Jakarta) and IA (from Lampung).

Then, four women who had just given birth were also found. They are LN (from West Java), H (from East Java), SS (from West Java), and Y R (from West Java). So the total is 11 people.

Police investigators have also examined the statements of the pregnant women, where the average pregnancy is around six to seven months.

Not only the mothers, the Bali Regional Police also questioned four people who work to care for pregnant women at the orphanage.

They are KK (Origin of West Java), AS (Asai West Java), CG (Origin of West Java), and KM (Origin of Bali). So far, their status is only as witnesses.

From the results of the examination, it was discovered that Made offered a deal to the pregnant mothers who were willing to come to Bali.

"If they are willing to have their child adopted, then the transportation costs from Bali to the orphanage will be covered and will be facilitated during their stay there. The expenses such as food, pregnancy care, vitamins, and the labor process are also covered by the orphanage," he explained.

After that, the baby was born, they were immediately separated from their mothers and handed over to adopters through facilitators.

The pregnant women also state that during their stay, Made Aryadana directed them to have a pregnancy check-up with one of the midwives in the Denpasar area.The midwife is still under investigation.

Jansen further says that the police are currently still investigating how Made Aryadana found the mothers and convinced them to hand over their children.

Police are also investigating the background of these women, whether they are married or pregnant out of wedlock, by checking whether or not they have marriage certificates.

"Regarding the current whereabouts of the pregnant women, we are working with the Bali Provincial Social Service to place them in a safe house," he said.


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