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Bangka Belitung Police Successfully Secured 18 Tons of Tin Sand in West Bangka

By Cpiet Selasa, 08 November 2022 Pengunjung (19) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - The Bangka Belitung Regional Police managed to secure 1.8 tons of tin sand in Air Nyatoh Village, West Bangka Regency in early November 2022. The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the West Bangka Police, Iptu Ogan Arif Teguh Imani confirmed the disclosure of the case. “It is true that there was an arrest in Air Nyato Village by the Regional Police of Bangka Belitung. The suspect, Z, has been long in the wanted list of the police due to his alibi that the legality was still for the extraction tin from PT Gunung Sawit Bina Lestari’s (GSBL) oil palm plantations,” explained Iptu Ogan Arif Teguh Imani, Monday (11/7) The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the West Bangka Police said the arrest was made because Z was suspected of taking (holding) tin sand illegally taken from PT Gunung Sawit Bina Lestari. Meanwhile, the First Officer of the West Bangka Police revealed that the Bangka Belitung Police had secured 1.8 tons of tin sand for further investigation. "The tin that has been secured is approximately 1.8 tons and two pick-up cars, a tin transaction record book, and scales. All the evidence has been secured at the Babel Police for further investigation," he concluded.
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