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Bima Arya Pushed Population and Civil Registration Services to Adapt to Digitalization

By Pramudita Senin, 11 November 2024 Pengunjung (105) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Deputy Minister of Home Affairs (Wamendagri), Bima Arya Sugiarto, revealed that the ranks of Population and Civil Registration Services throughout Indonesia were asked to adapt to digitalization in public services.

In his statement, he stated that the world trend is heading towards digital governance. 

"Those who are not fast and adapt to it will definitely be left behind. Decision-making will gradually rely heavily on AI (artificial intelligence). AI tech will be able to give answers much faster than expert staff, special staff, and R&D," he explained.

In addition, he also emphasized that the government cannot close itself off from the increasingly massive and active involvement of citizens on various platforms. This means that the government must accelerate a lot and must be ready with more agile and adaptive infrastructure and governance.

On the other hand, he acknowledged that the problems faced by the Population and Civil Registration Services ranks were quite complicated. For that, his party hopes for a solid unity and coordination between the central, provincial, city, and district governments to ensure that the issues are handled properly.


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