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BMKG Says the Hotspots in Riau are Man Made

By Pramudita Selasa, 10 September 2024 Pengunjung (213) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BKMG) said that the cause of 16 hotspots in the Riau region was due to human factors. The agency says weather or climate did not directly trigger the fire from the hotspots.

“These hotspots are from the humans who burned the lands,” says the Meteorology and Geophysics Observer (PMG) First Expert of Pekanbaru BMKG , Edi Rahmanto on Monday (9/9/2024).

Edi explains that the hotspots in Riau often appear when there is drought. People often will burn the oil palm fronds.

“This is what often causes hotspots. The hotspots in Riau are due to palm oil harvest itself," he said.

Furthermore, responding to this phenomenon, the Riau Province Government has taken action by appealing to the people to instead place the stem until it rots.

"With rotting or decomposition, the stem can be used as organic fertilizer," he explained.

Moreover, to the people who want to open the new land for oil palm plantations, the Riau Provincial Government also has a program to lend heavy equipment to minimize fires.

For information, the Riau Provincial Government itself has set an emergency alert status for forest and land fires. Based on Decree (SK) Number: Kpts.293/III/2024 signed by the Acting Governor of Riau, SF Hariyanto, this alert status will last until the end of November 2024.

Meanwhile, in the prevention and handling of the wildfires, the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) has sent a fleet of water bombing (WB) helicopters. A total of eight WB helicopters and patrols were deployed to extinguish the fire.

In addition, artificial rain operations or Weather Modification Technology (TMC) are also being carried out to control the fires. BMKG noted that the total hotspots in the Sumatra region reached 321 points. South Sumatra is the area with the largest number of hotspots, with 139 points.


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