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PON XXI Aceh-North Sumatra Ready to Officially Start

By Pramudita Senin, 09 September 2024 Pengunjung (230) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Banda Aceh. The Minister of Youth and Sports, Dito Ariotedjo assures that the preparation for the opening ceremony of XXI National Sport Week (PON) Aceh-North Sumatra is going according to the plan.

“We have performed the final rehearsal to ensure the preparation of the opening ceremony that will be attended and opened by President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo. All is going smoothly and according to the targets,” says Minister Dito at the PON XXI Media Center, Aceh on Monday (9/9/2024).

He emphasized that his party did not find any significant issues during the preparation, both in technical and logistics. Dito also emphasized the importance of good collaboration between the two organizing provinces, Aceh and North Sumatra, as the current PON posed as a unique challenge for all involved.

“Good collaboration and communication has made all challenges can be overcomed. all is good, according to the target,” says Dito.

The Chairman of the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI), Marciano Norman, also emphasized that there were no more obstacles to holding the opening ceremony and matches of PON XXI. 

"The venue is 100 percent ready. The organizing committee is ready, and all match equipment is complete, both in Aceh and North Sumatra. We are optimistic that PON XXI will be successful," said Marciano.


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