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BNPT Reports No Terrorism Acts in 2023

By Cpiet Jumat, 29 Desember 2023 Pengunjung (8) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Bogor. The The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) reported no violent terrorism acts by terrorist networks in 2023, signaling improved security. Head of BNPT Commissioner General Mohammed Rycko Amelza Dahniel credited government and community collaboration for the absence of terrorism cases, enhancing Indonesia's security. BNPT, the leading counterterrorism sector, he explained, is committed to countering extremist ideologies and terrorist actions under Law Number 5 of 2018. This involves increasing public awareness, community engagement, and fostering collaboration among all components of the nation to boost resilience. He urged everyone to remain vigilant regarding the dynamics of movements emerging beneath the surface from terrorist cells that are still attempting to infiltrate various sectors of life, stating, "We should not be complacent and let our guard down. We must remain vigilant because all these conditions are emerging beneath the surface." Despite the absence of terrorism in 2023, he warned that global terrorist networks continue to conduct terrorism, and domestic networks are actively expanding through various activities, reflected in Densus 88's arrests, aided by the Indonesian Military, totaling 148 terrorists. "Beneath the surface, terrorist network cells are infiltrating society and the state on a large scale and in a systematic manner," he concluded. (ar/inp/pr/nm)
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