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BPOM Tightens Monitoring to Prevent ARF Cases from Reoccurring

By Pramudita Sabtu, 28 September 2024 Pengunjung (16) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Head of National Agency of Drug and Food Control, Taruna Ikrar, emphasized that his party will tighten supervision of the contents of drug products. This is done so that cases such as acute kidney disorders in children (ARF) will not happen again.

This effort is important to avoid contamination of hazardous liquids such as ethylene glycol and Diethylene glycol (EG/DEG). It is known that the hazardous liquid EG/DEG is one of the causes of ARF in children.

Following the BPOM Focus Group Discussion event in Jakarta, he assured that BPOM will check the sampling results in the laboratory to check the drug content. Furthermore, the selection process in the lab test will determine whether the drug is suitable for production or not.

On this occasion, he also emphasized that his party will tighten the Good Manufacturing Practice Inspector (CPOB). Both at the central level and at the technical implementation unit (UPT).

"First, the company submits all the documents, after the documents are registered, BPOM will conduct an inspection and followed with evaluation," he explained.

He further conveyed regarding the ARF case, the incident was an accident from the industry when making drugs in the factory. BPOM itself, according to him, has worked according to standard operating procedures.


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