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Central Java Regional Police Boost Personnel Professionalism Ahead of 2024 Regional Election

By Pramudita Senin, 26 Agustus 2024 Pengunjung (65) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Semarang. Ahead of the Regional Head Election, police are required to be professional and ready to secure the situation.

Relating to the matter, the Head of Central Java Regional Police Public Relations Division, Senior Superintendent Artanto highlights the repressive actions of police members in securing the protest in front of the Central Java parliament building. He is saying in order to reduce the number of repressive members in controlling the protest, his party held a training.

“That is why the Skills Training Competition for Raid Control Platoon is one of our efforts in improving our member’s professionalism,” said Artanto on Saturday (8/24/2024).

He continues that every Central Java Regional Police personnel must be ready in facing various situations that may occur during the 2024 Mantap Praja Operation.

“The training is not just a routine, but also a strategic movement to ensure that every Central Java Regional Police personnel is ready to face any situation that may occur during the 2024 Mantap Praja Operation,” explains Artanto.

Other in technical aspects, according to him, the training also aimed to improve coordination and synergy between units in Central Java Regional Police. So every move in the field can go according to the procedure and coordinated well.

“Our Power on Hand is not only in the form of physical power, but also in our mental strength and prepared coordination. This is the key to maintaining security stability throughout the Election,” conclude Artanto.


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