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Central Java Regional Police Invites Public to Maintain Security Following Voting Day

By Pramudita Kamis, 28 November 2024 Pengunjung (233) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Semarang. Central Java Regional Police invites the public to maintain a conducive situation following the election voting day at their respective area.

“After this voting day, we will have a new Governor and Vice Governor. Whoever elected to be our new leader, that is sure to be the best person in leading us democratically. Let us support them in bringing Central Java to be a prosperous province,” says the Head of Central Java Regional Police Public Relations, Senior Superintendent Artanto, on Wednesday (11/27/2024).

Artanto also noted that the responsibility of maintaining the security situation is the responsibility of all, both after and before the voting day. He asked for the public to remain calm and unprovoked, particularly by issues that are unclear whether it is the truth or not.

“Be careful with the hoaxes and fake news that could divide us. Use social media wisely and always confirm every information received before sharing it to others,” says Artanto.

Artanto, emphasized that the Central Java Regional Police together with Indonesian Military and all related elements will continue to work hard to maintain security at all stages of the regional elections.


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