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Police Assures Security Situation in Papua Remains Conducive

By Pramudita Kamis, 28 November 2024 Pengunjung (148) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Sentani. Papua Regional Police assure that the security and order situation in the province remains conducive.

The Chief of Papua Regional Police, Inspector General Petrus Patrige Rudolf Renwarin and Cenderawasih XVII Regional Military Commander, Major General Rudi Puruhito, accompanying the Vice Minister of Home Affairs Ribka Haluk, Papua Acting Governor Ramses Limbong, Papua General Election Commission Head Steve Dumbon, and Papua Election Supervisory Body Head Hardin Halidin, reviews the voting procession at four polling stations in Jayapura City and Keerom.

On his occasion he said that the voting process was still ongoing (maybe it had finished) and the situation was still conducive.

"We do not deny that in several mountainous areas of Papua and Central Papua there were prominent incidents, but so far it is still conducive," he said, as reported by the Antaranews page, Wednesday (11/27/24).

He said that although prominent incidents occurred in the Papua Mountains and Central Papua Provinces, they could still be resolved persuasively.

"Security forces can still overcome the prominent incident with a persuasive approach so that the voting process can run smoothly," he explained.

He explained that in the Papua Mountains and Central Papua Provinces, almost 99 percent of the voting system is still customary or with the noken system.

"Almost most of them still use the noken system in the Papua Mountains and Central Papua Provinces," he explained.

He also hopes that the public will be able to accept the results of the voting for Regional Head Election throughout Papua.

"The public must be able to accept the results of the 2024 Pilkada while maintaining the security and public order situation in Papua," he concluded.


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