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Central Java Regional Police Secure 1 Suspect of Spreading Jihad Adhan Videos

By Cpiet Selasa, 08 Desember 2020 Pengunjung (228) 4 Mins Read
Semarang - A few days ago the people of Tegal were shocked by the video of the call to prayer for jihad, anxious people then reported the video to the Police to find out about the truth. After receiving a public report regarding the viral video, the Tegal Resort Police immediately carried out an investigation. Based on the findings of evidence during the investigation, today the Tegal Resort Police held the case at the Central Java Regional Police Headquarters lobby, Monday (07/12/2020). The press release was attended by the Head of the Public Relations Division of the Central Java Regional Police, Senior Police Commissioner Iskandar Fitriana Sutisna, Director of the General Criminal Investigation of the Central Java Regional Police, Senior Commissioner of Police Wihastoni, and Chief of the Tegal Resort Police AKBP Muhammad Iqbal Simatupang. "It is an ITE criminal offense for disseminating information that creates feelings of hatred or hostility." Bright Head of the Public Relations Division of the Central Java Regional Police. After being traced through the social media youtube, we found the video uploaded by the account "AGUNG MUJAHID" with a duration of 1 minute 12 seconds containing the call to prayer for jihad with the title in the upload, namely "The Call for Jihad from Tegal Led by Habieb Fadhil Asseggaf for the sake of guarding and escorting IB. HRS and Habieb Hanif ". The video is deemed capable of causing hostility to certain individuals / groups of people based on religion or group. Following up on the report, the Tegal Resort Police Unit, which was backed up by the Central Java Sub-Directorate of Crime and Violence, conducted a profiling effort on the owner of the “AGUNG MUJAHID” youtube account, the result was that the identity of the account owner / suspected perpetrator of the video distribution with the initials JAK (43) Kel. Kertajaya Surabaya, Rt 03 / XI Gubeng District, Surabaya City. "Based on sufficient evidence, the officers have arrested the suspect in Surabaya." said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the Central Java Regional Police. The perpetrator is strongly suspected of having committed a criminal act of disseminating information aimed at creating hatred or enmity for individuals and / or certain groups of society based on ethnicity, religion, race, and between groups (SARA). Based on the results of the investigation of the JAK suspect, he explained that he had distributed a video (jihad call to prayer located in Tegal) which was obtained from the Whatsap group "PUAZ" aimed at the Government which according to the suspect had criminalized HRS. The perpetrator then uploaded on his Youtube account which was named with the intention and purpose of informing the public that there had been calls for jihad from Tegal, Central Java which were addressed to the Government which according to the suspect had criminalized IB.HRS. "We have examined 6 witnesses, 2 of them are expert witnesses, namely linguists and ITE experts, 4 others are people," he said. Head of the Public Relations Division of the Central Java Regional Police, The police also uncovered facts including the video announcing the Adhan Jihad uploaded by the suspect, which is a video recorded by someone, at a recitation event at Ds. Dukuhturi RT / RW 03/02, Dukuhturi District, Tegal Regency on Sunday (29/11). It is known that the one who pronounced the Jihad Adhan was Bro. Slamet (Currently a detainee of the Tegal Resort Police Criminal Investigation Unit for Fraud). "Another suspect, namely S or who uttered the call to prayer has been arrested for fraud with a loss of up to 125 million." General Criminal Director Light. From this case the police confiscated evidence in the form of 1 black Samsung A51 cellphone, 1 black Vivo S5 cellphone and 1 electronic evidence in the form of a YouTube account with the account name "AGUNG MUJAHID". The articles suspected of being against the suspect are Article 45 A paragraph 2 JO Article 28 A paragraph 2 Law No. 19 of 2016 concerning ITE with a maximum imprisonment of 6 years and a maximum fine of 1 billion.
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