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Check Foster Spots, Head of Regional Coordinator of Wamena Community Development Noken Visits Mr Alpius Lagoan

By Cpiet Rabu, 29 Desember 2021 Pengunjung (8) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Wamena. Head of Regional Coordinator of Wamena Community Development Noken Police Commissioner Attendant Harbani Paruki visited Mr Alpius Lagoan to monitor the fostered spot in Wesakma Village, Wouma District, Monday (27/08/2021) morning. During the visit, the Head of Regional Coordinator checked the agricultural, fishery and animal husbandry spots managed by Mr Alpius and repaired the banners that were worn or damaged. In addition, the Head of Regional Coordinator also handed over assistance in the form of basic necessities to Mr Alpius Lagoan. The Head of Regional Coordinator stated that his party strongly supports the Kasuari program of the Wam Konakma group so that families and residents of Wesakma Village in several programs that have been running in Wesakma Village with the hope that group members can stay focused on running the Kasuari program for food security in the family. "We hope that the livestock or seed assistance Mrhat has been handed over to the Head of the Konakma Wam Group, Mr. Alpius Lagoan and his members, will develop the pig, fish and vegetable seeds properly so that they become more abundant and can be sold for household needs, to finance school children, so that the children can continue their studies until they are finished," said Police Commissioner Attendant Harbani. On this occasion, the Head of Regional Coordinator also appealed for Community Security and Order to the families and youth of Wesakma Village. In this month of love, Christmas Day, stay safe until welcoming the New Year on January 1 2022. And good relations have been maintained so far in terms of helping the Indonesian National Armed Forces/Indonesian National Police maintain the security situation in Wesakma Village and general in Jayawijaya Regency. "We also urge Mr Alpius Lagoan and his family to vaccinate as well as to register other residents of Wesakma Village who have not received vaccinations. Noken Community Development press will report to the Jayawijaya Departemental Police Clinic to immediately serve mass vaccinations in Wesakma Village," added Head of Regional Coordinator.
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