- Lampung. Lampung Regional Police Chief, Inspector General Helmy Santika held a morning roll call and gave his instruction to personnel to improve their performance in serving the public.
In his speech, Helmy says that professionalism and integrity are the main keys in maintaining public trust.
“This new year of 2025 should be our moment to change for the better. Improve your work, obey the laws, and be a good example for the people,” says Helmy.
Helmy continued that reflection on the achievement of 2024 is also important as it would be a good reference for improvement in 2025.
On the other hand, Helmy also expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the success of 2024 Lilin Operation.
“This success is our positive contribution that could be our first capital in facing the challenges in 2025,” remarks Helmy.
Furthermore, Helmy also reminds his unit to continue improving the level of public trust towards the police by being aware and careful while carrying out police duties at the field.
He underlined the major impact of violations committed by one member on the institution can be impactful to the institution as a whole.
To achieve the desired change, the Chief of Police reminded the importance of the 3M principle: start from yourself, start from small things, and start from now. The Lampung Police Chief also emphasized that all public reports must be handled seriously, focused, and sincerely, without waiting for it to go viral.