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Chief of Central Java Regional Police Awarded 119 Outstanding Personnel

By Cpiet Jumat, 31 Desember 2021 Pengunjung (8) 3 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Semarang. Chief of Central Java Regional Police, Police Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi gave awards to 119 Central Java Regional Police personnel who excel and two people who work in the company. The award presentation was held at a morning rally at the Central Java Regional Police Headquarters on Pahlawan Street, Semarang City, Monday (27/12/21). Two companies that received the award were the President Director of PT Panca Karya Sentosa Cilacap, Ngadino. And the Commissioner of PT Tunas Eka Destama, Jakarta, Devina Ekowati, for their contribution to the Maintenance of Public Order and Security in the Central Java region. "I would like to thank the personnel who have contributed unlimited service beyond the call of duty," said the Chief of Central Java Regional Police. The Chief of Central Java Regional Police stated that this momentum should be used as an organizational health event to compete for achievements for members of the Indonesian National Police. Indonesian National Police who commit a violation will be given a punishment or punishment according to the level of guilt. For members of the Indonesian National Police who perform an achievement beyond the task, a reward or award is given. "Hopefully, this can provide colour in the implementation of services in their respective work units and motivate members in carrying out their duties to provide the best service to the community," said the Chief of Central Java Regional Police. While members of the Indonesian National Police who received the award, among others, the Head of Public Relations Division of the Central Java Regional Police, Police Grand Commissioner Muhammad Iqbal Alqudusy, received the award after winning Top 1 Social Media Engagement from Public Relations Division of Indonesian National Police Headquarters. Directorate of Special Criminal of the Central Java Regional Police, Police Grand Commissioner Johanson Ronald Simamora, along with 16 members, received awards for their achievements in uncovering the theft of credit and game vouchers through BTS PT Telkomsel. Director of Drug Investigation, Police Grand Commissioner Lutfi Martadian and 16 members received awards for successfully uncovering 13 packages of methamphetamine weighing 1,000 grams. Director of Traffic, Police Grand Commissioner Agus Suryonugroho and 30 members received awards for their achievements in being the pioneers of the Safety Riding team. Meanwhile, Director of the Marine Police, along with 13 related members, revealed the case of smuggling lobster seeds. Head of Profession and Security of the Central Java Regional Police and members also received awards on occasion. Police Grand Commissioner Mukija received an award in financial and budget administration at the national level.
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