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Child Protection Regulation in Digital Space to Focus on Parental Guidance

By Admin INP Rabu, 19 Februari 2025 Pengunjung (88) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Minister of Communication and Digital (Menkomdigi) Meutya Hafid said that one of the core regulations for child protection in the digital space, currently being drafted by the Ministry of Communication and Digital, focuses on family assistance when children access digital platforms.

Meutya says that in regulating child protection in digital space, the ministry ensured to implement age requirement policy for account platform signing up, although it would still not enough to monitor the child activities in the digital space.

“This does not mean limiting their activities in social media, on the internet, because they would still be able to access them if the parents allow them. Thus, we are now pushing to encourage families, the parents, to instead monitor them directly,” says Meutya on Tuesday (2/18/2025).

So far, the ministry has invited many parties to discuss the realization of child protection regulations in the digital space, starting from academics, digital platforms, communities that focus on child protection.

Most recently, they invited children of various ages to voice their needs in accessing the digital space.

Meutya said that the involvement of children is important in processing this regulation because it will have a direct impact on their lives.

Minister Meutya says that the policy drafting is at its final stages, which she estimates to already be around 90 percent.

According to her, President Prabowo in particular will announce the implementation of this new regulation to emphasize the government commitment in providing maximum protection to children in the digital space.


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