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Communication and Information Ministry Will Continue to Develop Telecommunications Infrastructure

By Pramudita Senin, 30 September 2024 Pengunjung (8) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Vice Minister of Communication and Information Nezar Patria says it will continue to provide equal distribution of networks in the 3T (remote, border and outermost) regions in Indonesia.

He said that his party will carry out telecommunications infrastructure development carried out at three levels, namely backbone, middle-mile, and last-mile.

"The Palapa Ring fiber optic cable network has been deployed with a utilization rate of 766 Gbps," said the Deputy Minister of Communication and Information on Friday (9/27/2024).

Nezar said that at the middle-mile level, the SATRIA-1 satellite will be launched. While at the last-mile level, the Base Transceiver Station (BTS) will be built in 6,665 Villages/Sub-districts.

Currently, the total national internet access has reached 18,697 locations. Indonesia has also made the transition from analog to digital broadcasting in the Analog Switch Off (ASO) program.

"Indonesia is at an important period when technology must be utilized at its maximum potential. The goal is to support efforts in accelerating digital transformation in the postal and telecommunications industries," explain Nezar.

As stated in the RPJPN 2025-2045, digital transformation is one of the directions of development within the framework of the economic transformation agenda.

The ministry also has launched the Vision of Indonesia Digital (VID) 2045 to support and realize the agenda. VID 2045 will be one of the alternative roadmaps for digital transformation in the country.


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