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Promoting Cambodian Online Gambling Sites, Police Arrest Instagram Influencer from Selebar

By Pramudita Selasa, 05 November 2024 Pengunjung (174) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Cyber Sub-directorate V of Bengkulu Regional Police Special Criminal Investigation reveals IE (25), a social media influencer from Selebar, was promoting Cambodian online gambling sites.

“Suspect IE has been endorsing the online gambling sites for a year,” says the Special Criminal Investigation Director, Senior Superintendent I Wayan Riko Setiawan on Monday (11/4/2024).

He said that the suspect IE had promoted the online gambling site after being contacted by an unknown person via a message on Instagram social media.

Then, the suspect promoted an online gambling link through his Instagram social media platform for IDR 100 million and would receive additional payment if someone played on the online gambling site through the promoted link.

He explained that the arrest of the suspect began when members of the Cyber ​​Sub-Directorate carried out a cyber patrol and found an Instagram account that posted or uploaded content promoting gambling content.

Based on the results of coordination between his party and the Communication and Information Service regarding the content, the suspect was named as suspect and the case is being investigated by the police.

"From the suspect's hands, the police secured evidence of a cell phone belonging to the suspect as evidence. It was then revealed that the suspect was contacted by an online gambling dealer from Cambodia," he explained.


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