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Creative Economy Minister Discussed the Use of DTSEN in Combating Extreme Poverty

By Admin INP Sabtu, 01 Februari 2025 Pengunjung (149) 2 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Minister of Creative Economy Teuku Riefky Harsya and Coordinating Minister for Community Empowerment Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar discussed the use of National Social and Economic Single Data (DTSEN) in efforts to overcome poverty and improve people's welfare.

"This meeting is related to inter-ministerial collaboration that can utilize DTSEN as an integrated data management concept. DTSEN will focus on socio-economic data for each citizen with a classification of social welfare levels," said the Minister of Creative Economy, Friday (1/31/25).

He said that DTSEN brings together various data that have been spread across various government agencies to be used in planning, implementing, and evaluating poverty alleviation policies.

In order to support poverty alleviation efforts and improve people's welfare, he said, the Ministry of Creative Economy will focus on facilitating the strengthening of creative economic businesses.

Meanwhile, the Coordinating Minister for Community Empowerment said that DTSEN includes indicators of cultural, structural, relative, absolute, and extreme poverty.

The Coordinating Minister stated that currently there are around 3.1 million Indonesians who fall into the category of experiencing extreme poverty.

"From the type of extreme poverty indicators that lack access to food, clean water, and health services, the problems will be overcome in three stages," said the Coordinating Minister.

"First, we will increase special assistance. Second, we will provide access to those who are productive in terms of age so that there is an increase in skill capacity. Third, we will encourage them to be more independent and leave this extreme poverty level," added the Minister of Creative Economy.


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