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Criminal Investigation Agency of National Police Named Five Suspects of Credit Grant Corruption of Jateng Bank

By Cpiet Jumat, 31 Desember 2021 Pengunjung (8) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. Directorate of Corruption Offences of Criminal Investigation Agency of National Police successfully exposed two alleged credit grants corruption in the Blora and Jakarta branches of Jateng bank. The corruption is related to credit grants of house ownership and several projects. The expose was based on Police report No. 095/II/Bareskim Polri, dated February 11, 2021, and No. 095/II/2021/Bareskrim Polri for Blora branch of Jateng bank. "The reports on the Jakarta branch are registered with No. 093/II/2021/Bareskrim Polri and No. 094/II/2021/Bareskrim Polri, dated February 11, 2021", Chief of General Information Bureau of PR Division of National Police, Police Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, said on Monday (27/12/21). Deputy Directorate of Corruption Offences, Police Grand Commissioner Cahyono Wibowo, stated that Police had named three suspects in the Blora branch case and two suspects for the Jakarta branch case. "Three people are initialled RP, UR, and EKA. RP is the former head of the Blora branch of BPD Jateng from 2017 to 2019. Other people are initially UR and EKA. There are also BM, the Jakarta branch head of Jateng bank, and BS, the debtor of the Jakarta branch of BPD", he explained. Police Grand Commissioner Cahyono Wibowo explained that the corruption case handlings are have been completed. The handover would be expected in January 2022. "The case has been completed for investigation and, based on coordination with the prosecutor, the second phase would start on January 2022", he said. For their actions, the suspects would be subjected to Article 2 and 3 of Law No. 31 of 1999, as altered by Law No. 20 of 2001, in relation to Article 5 paragraph 1 item 1 of the Indonesian Criminal Code. "In essence, the action against the law is that the perpetrators granted credit facilities that are not in accordance with the regulation in the internal bank regulations", Deputy Directorate of Corruption Offences explained.
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