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Transportation Minister Believes Shipping Bill Can Strengthen People’s Empowerment

By Pramudita Sabtu, 28 September 2024 Pengunjung (13) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi, believes that the Bill No. 17 of 2008 concerning Shipping is able to strengthen people's shipping that applies the cabotage principle.

"The proposed Shipping Bill covers several main points, including strengthening efforts to boost efficiency in logistics transport capacity to reduce price disparities. This also includes empowering people's shipping and strengthening the cabotage principle for the competitiveness of Indonesian shipping," said the Minister of Transportation on Thursday (9/26/2024).

In his statement, he explained that the revision of the Shipping Law will include matters relating to the institutional arrangement of shipping supervision, increasing the role of shipping stakeholders in determining port service rates, and include strengthening the state's support for protecting the maritime environment in the waters from pollution and environmental damage.

"The provision of services as part of the national transportation shifting has so far been hampered by high logistics costs. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen and empower people's shipping, improve its management and carry out more effective port governance," he said.

In addition, he also said that there were 68 changes with a total of 66 articles in the shipping bill containing several new materials. This Shipping Bill was also approved by all factions in Commission V of the Indonesian House of Representatives and they will continue the shipping bill manuscript discussion at Level II discussions.


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