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Damai Cartenz Task Force Confirms Ongoing Efforts to Rescue Susi Air Pilot

By Cpiet Jumat, 26 Januari 2024 Pengunjung (75) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Manokwari. The Head of the Public Relations  Unit of the Damai Cartenz Operation Task Force, Superintendent Bayu Suseno, confirmed the continued rescue operation for Susi Air Pilot Captain Philip Mark Mehrtens. Captain Philip is currently being held hostage by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) leader, Egianus Kogoya. He is reported to be healthy. "We have not been able to rescue the pilot yet, as his location is closely guarded by Egianus Kogoya," he said on Thursday (25/1/2024). Communication with Kogoya and his associates, according to Chief Bayu, can only be conducted through the Acting Regent of Nduga, Edison Gwijangge, who serves as the negotiation intermediary for the pilot's release. “Our involvement in the Cartenz Peace Operation is in a supporting role, handling legal and law enforcement matters. Egianus Kogoya only trusts the Acting Regent due to family connections,” he explained. Regardless, the Acting Regent has faced attacks from the KKB during several flights. These encounters often involve gunfire. "We prioritize a soft approach, primarily through negotiations and other means. If these efforts fail, we will resort to a hard approach. However, it must be carefully calculated to avoid casualties among hostages and other civilians," Chief Bayu said. (mg/ay/pr/nm)
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